

- Welcome to isaB -

creating beautiful,

storytelling walls

β€œAn empty wall, is a story yet to be told

Isabelle Van Obbergen


Customised walls for homes, offices, bars & restaurants

isaB - Telling your story in art.

The process of creating your bespoke art starts with a conversation to enable

Isabelle to design a unique mural or panel.

The art will reflect your story for your home or workspace, using light and colour.


Customised cool Walls

Personalise your home with a modern fresco

Isabelle Van Obbergen (Isab) offers you the chance to include your personality, colour, choices and story on your walls.

Isab makes walls tell a story with her use of colour, light, movement and texture. The walls come alive with a vibe and feel. 

Whether you are seeking an art wall in a home, office or bar/restaurant environment Isabelle will make the fantasy come alive. She will collaborate extensively with a client or clients and create magic according to the space and style.

Reputed with many projects in Belgium and abroad Isab has combined her experience and training in art and the world of interiors to create custom made artworks. These can be on fixed walls, as well as dynamic walls. Wooden art panels that are movable can be single pieces, triptychs or other quantities up to seven. Or on Canvas. Whichever suits the space and client best.

Find out more about the design process in creating a wall mural or art panel.

β€œColour is a power which directly influences the soul”
— Isabelle (IsaB)